The Viking Read online

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  “Was it my mother?”

  “It was.”

  “She was Scottish?”

  “To the bone. Did yer aunt not teach ye Gaelic?”

  “Aye,” Stefan answered with a smile. “‘Tis not so different from our language.”

  “I too had a Scottish mother and we will practice it now. The lads dinnae speak it and this way we will have privacy.” He pulled up his sleeve, showed a scar and then pulled his cloak back around him for warmth. “When I laid hand on Sheena, she bit my arm hard and drew blood. I let go and she nearly escaped, but I grabbed her again and pulled her to the ground. She thought I meant to force her.”

  “Did ye?”

  Again Donar smiled. “My mother made me take a pledge not to and I have honored that pledge. Mother dinnae say, but as I grew up not looking at all like the man I called father, I believe she was forced.” He paused, giving his son a little time to absorb the revelation. “The lad I called father was unkind, so when I was o’ age I killed him and took to the sea.”

  “Did yer mother scorn ye for killing him?”

  Donar nodded. “At first, but when I brought back gold and silver from England, I was quickly forgiven and in the end, she confessed she was grateful I killed him.”

  “Then I am pleased too.”

  “Aye, he deserved to die for what he did to her.”

  “What did he do to her?”

  “Whatever he wanted. A lass who be forced has few choices. She, and the child if one be conceived, will starve if she dinnae marry the first lad who will have her, even if she knows him to be unkind. For a lad, pleasuring himself takes but a few minutes. For the lass he forces, the misery dinnae end until the day she dies.” Again he kept quiet for a time hoping his son was old enough to grasp the true meaning. “Now I will have yer pledge never to force a lass. Do ye give it?”

  He waited for Stefan’s nod and then continued. “As to yer mother, I held her to the ground, made her promise not to hurt me again and let her up. It was then I saw how beautiful she was and I believe it was then she began to love me.”

  “Because ye did not force her?”

  “Aye, she said as much later. There was little time, so I picked her up and carried her toward the ship. When she realized what I was doing, she folded her arms and glared at me. ‘I’ll not go without me sister,’ she said. I only meant to take her away from the fighting and talk her into going with me. But she told me which was her sister and then hid behind the rocks until I returned.”

  At first Stefan was astonished, but then he began to smile. “Ye took them both and for this my aunt hates ye.”

  “She does indeed. Sheena said she was pledged to marry a deceitful lad and if I wanted her, I had to spare her sister a dreadful marriage.”

  “But my aunt dinnae see that?”

  “Nay, she believed she was in love. Even now that she loves her husband very well, she still thinks I robbed her o’ the life she was to have. Her betrothed was a laird and she would have been his mistress.”

  “His miserable mistress.”

  “True. A lad must learn to know what be best for those he cares about. He must be stronger and wiser even when everyone else disagrees.” Donar studied the worried look on his son’s face for a moment, found a more comfortable sleeping position and closed his eye. “Fret not, I will teach ye.”


  Stefan did not keep count but believed crossing the sea took more than a month. His days were spent sailing, watching for sea monsters, learning to row in sync when the wind was slack, eating and sometimes slipping over the side to bathe in the ocean. He learned to read the stars and to discern the placement of the sun by watching the shadow cast beneath a round disk affixed to the top of an iron peg in the deck. His chores included taking a flask of water from man to man quenching their unrelenting thirst and seeing that not a drop was wasted. His was also to open the water barrels to catch the rain during storms.

  In times of lull when the wind was lax and the men tired of rowing, they delighted in telling Stefan stories about the years of Viking conquests in places as far away as North Africa and the Middle East. They described fierce battles, the weapons used against them and how they managed to stay alive. Yet they all agreed the plight of the Vikings was becoming more dangerous and less rewarding, which was why they now preferred destinations closer to home.

  Invariably, the discussion turned to a debate between the men who preferred a plump lass to a thin one, and then to the abilities and attributes of all women, half of which Stefan was not at all certain he believed. Occasionally, he looked to his father to see the truth of it and welcomed his slight nod or the shake of his head.

  After that, the men struck a more somber note as they remembered the fallen and told of carving their names in the Snoleved Stones back home so eternity would remember them.

  It all sounded glorious and Stefan was mesmerized. But when he and his father spoke Gaelic, Donar was careful to tell his son the truth about war, death and dying in great detail so he would not find it quite so enchanting. “A lad must know what be worth dying for and what be not. Wealth be not.”

  Stefan wrinkled his brow, “But we are Vikings.”

  “We are lads afore we are Vikings. Only the protection of yer family be worth dying for. Everything else comes and goes like the tide. Today yer wealthy, tomorrow yer wife dies and ye have wasted yer life trying to bring her treasures – when all she wanted was more time with the lad she loved.” He crossed himself in his wife’s memory and then looked up at the brightest star. “Soon ye will see Scotland. Many a Viking lives in Scotland and so will we.”

  “What?” Stefan swallowed hard. “Why?”

  “Because I promised yer mother. The only way to prevent ye from going to sea be to let the ships leave without us.”

  “But father…”

  “Stefan, ye dinnae have my rage and rage be what it takes for a Viking to stay alive. Ye are a gentle soul with yer mother’s kindness. I would have ye live free o’ war, loving a good lass and giving me lots o’ grandsons. Do ye agree?”

  Stefan did not agree. His mind was filled with the excitement of fierce battles, women and plunder. But he loved his father and so he reluctantly relented with the slightest of nods.

  For three days, the men used the sail to shield themselves from driving rain while a massive storm tossed the ship around. If they were to be eaten by sea monsters, a storm was the most dangerous time and all the men worried – all but Stefan, who would have been delighted to see at least one.

  On the fourth day, the heavy fog lifted, the sun broke through the clouds and Donar was relieved to see they had not lost a single ship. They were, however, off course. He studied the disk shadow on the deck, corrected their course and headed them once again toward Scotland.

  When he could, Stefan stood in the stern hoping to be the first to sight land. Like most of the men, he wore a braid on each side of his face and then tied the two together in the back with twine to keep his long hair out of his eyes. He wore his dagger, sword and sheath proudly. His boots that laced up the sides were nearly too small, but it meant he was still growing and that was a good thing especially for a Viking.

  Being a Viking was a dream he had not yet given up. He fervently hoped his father would change his mind, perhaps when he saw how completely boring living on land day after day could be. He hardly paid attention when his father came to stand next to him, but when Donar pointed to a bird, Stefan took notice.

  “The gulls tell us we are near land.” Donar pulled another string from around his neck, put it over his son’s head and dropped the heavy pouch inside his son’s tunic. “They will expect me to have this instead o’ ye. We will trick them.” He winked and then folded his arms. “When the commander o’ a ship dies, he be put out to sea and the ship set afire.” He playfully nudged Stefan and leaned a little closer. “‘Tis a waste o’ a good ship.”

  Stefan smiled and went back to keeping a sharp eye out for land. The death of
his commander was not something he wanted to contemplate now…or ever.


  Kannak needed a husband.

  She did not want one and was not at all convinced she would know what to do with one, but now that her father neglected to return, life promised to be extremely difficult for a mother and daughter trying to survive alone. Marriage was Kannak’s idea and her mother flatly refused to consider it, but in the end Kannak could think of no other answer.

  There were stipulations of course for the two had talked of the man she would marry. ‘See that he has the strength of an ox, does not take to strong drink and has good teeth,’ her mother instructed. As she mounted her horse, Kannak wondered just how she could ask a man to show his teeth before she married him. But she decided she would puzzle that out later.

  They were members of Clan Macoran and lived in a cottage on the north side of the river that separated clan Macoran from Clan Limond. Clan Macoran’s land lay in a wide “L” shape at the foot of the gradual slope of a high hill. Small farms dotted the longer part of the bend that bordered the river while the other end stretched north along the eastern coast of Scotland. Clan Limond owned the flatter land to the south of the river.

  For the most part, the two clans were peaceful, although there were disputes from time to time over livestock, fishing and women. Mostly they fought over the salmon in the river but sometimes over women, of which there never seemed to be enough. Women died in childbirth and men died in battle, but when there were as few wars as there had been lately, the men outlived two and sometimes three wives.

  Kannak wore her long, auburn hair in a loose braid down the middle of her back and for this occasion, she looked as best she could in her woolen, ankle-length, unbelted frock. It was a pale gray with wide sleeves and since it was such a special occasion, she also wore a long under shirt of soft linen. The under garment was a gift from her uncle who lived in the far north. Her shoes were clean, her face scrubbed and she guessed that would have to be enough to attract a husband.

  She considered herself to be exceptionally strong of heart and mind, but as she turned her horse and rode away, a sickness stirred in her stomach. She was, after all, but thirteen years of age and had not considered taking a husband so soon. Her mother’s description of how children were conceived served to increase her anxiety and that too she wanted desperately to consider later.

  But she simply could think of no other way. It was spring and their small plot of land needed more tending than two women could manage. Even if they could manage alone, they could not grow enough extra grain, barley or peas to trade for necessities such as salt, tools and weapons.

  It was of weapons they were most concerned. Her father had taken them all when he left except for a long bow neither of them was strong enough to draw. Her father normally bartered their cheese, milk and eggs for what they needed. But such small offerings were not enough to gain the gold and silver coins with which to pay the smithy for sound weapons. Therefore, Kannak needed a husband. Only a husband who brought his own weapons to the marriage could protect them.

  Instead of following the path along the edge of the river that would take her around the wide bend to the village, Kannak decided to ride up the gradual slope through the trees to the top of the high land that overlooked both the home of her clan, the shore and the magnificent ocean beyond.

  As always when she reached the top, the sight of the endless water and the smell of the fresh sea air took her breath away. Looking at the ocean was the thing she loved most and she was tempted to just sit her horse and spend the rest of the day watching the waves crash against the rocks. She was about to head down the other side of the hill to the village when she paused to reconsider. Surely there was another way.

  There was one other option, but she dare not consider it – she could tell Laird Macoran of their troubles. Once it was clear her father was not coming back, she suggested they ask Laird Macoran for help. Her mother flatly refused and said it so sternly, Kannak did not argue. But just now she was tempted to risk her mother’s ire. It was, after all, the duty of the laird to see that all the members of the clan were well taken care of. Besides, Jirvel was likely to be just as enraged when she returned with a husband.

  Kannak sighed and watched a seagull glide out over the ocean. The air smelled fresh, a gentle breeze made the leaves in the trees rustle and it was such a pleasant day, she had to force herself to think clearly – take a husband or tell Laird Macoran? How was she ever to make the right decision?


  It was midmorning when the Vikings spotted land. A small village was also coming into view which meant they would not have to sail north or south to find one. It would also be an easy mark for only three Viking ships. If the wind continued to blow steady as it was now, they could strike and be on their way back before dark. The men quickly gathered their weapons, put off their cloaks, donned their head gear and made ready to row. The mood aboard ship was a mixture of excitement and contemplation during which Stefan gained the advice of nearly every man. “Yer land legs’ll deceive, laddie…find a plump lass…dare not turn yer back on a Scot…”

  But then the men began to row to the mark of the Stroke and the closer they got to land, the stronger Stefan’s foreboding became. The village was set well back which meant the Vikings had to run up the beach, climb several rocks and cover more open ground to reach the village. Surely the Scots would try to strike them down before they got over the rocks.

  The mark of the Stroke kept a steady beat, but Stefan’s heart was pounding three times faster. There were no Scots coming to fight them on the shore and he saw only two women running from the village in an effort to hide themselves and their children. This was nothing at all like the glorious tales told nightly of the Viking men fighting and dying at the water’s edge.

  Standing in the stern of the ship, Stefan studied his father’s face, but Donar was calm and had an air of confidence about him as though he was certain the Vikings could survive anything the Scots could throw at them. He had not even put on his helmet with the nose protector, therefore Stefan did not put his on either. If his father believed it, then Stefan was willing to believe it as well. Stefan did, however, check the position of the sword and dagger tied around his waist repeatedly.

  What the Vikings preferred was hand to hand combat, mainly the use of their long handled axes, but on the shore of Scotland, clan Macoran preferred something a little less one-on-one. Hidden in every place it was possible for a man to hide, they waited until the boats docked and the invaders began to jump from the ships before they loaded their arrows and drew their bow strings back.

  Stefan was certain the greatest longships carrying the greatest commander and the best trained Viking warriors in the world were that day heading into a trap. But if Donar suspected the same, he did not let on, turn his ships back, or even slow their pace.

  The Vikings beached the longships in the sand with a forceful thud that surprised Stefan and he almost lost his balance. The men in the bow of the ship jumped to the ground first and Stefan was right in line behind them. As soon as the man in front of him jumped, so did Stefan. But after weeks at sea, his knees buckled when he hit the hard sand and he feared he’d broken both his legs.

  In his excitement, he forgot to get his shield and Stefan was about to draw his sword when his father grabbed hold of his arm and began to pull him down the shore away from the river, away from the village and away from the battle. “Run!” he heard Donar shout.


  It was not really Kannak’s horse. In fact, she had no idea where the horse came from. The day before, it just showed up. It had a shiny coat as black as night, a black mane and tail and there was not a mark of any other color anywhere, not even a touch of white on his nose. It held its head high and beyond a doubt it was the most beautiful stallion she had ever seen. Kannak was certain it belonged to a wealthy laird or perhaps the King of Scotland who would come looking for it. But no one had come as yet, th
erefore the horse was hers as much as it was anyone’s.

  Their old horse was yet another thing her father took with him, together with their only saddle and bridle. When the stallion walked down the path to their cottage, Kannak had no way to capture it without a bridle. But to her amazement, the horse stood still, let her get a running start, grab a handful of mane and swing up. She ignored her mother’s worry, rode him all around the property and discovered if she patted the side of his neck twice, the horse would stop. When night came she feared the stallion would be gone by morning, but he was not and she was delighted.

  It was then, seated on the stallion on the crest of the hill, that she realized there must be some sort of fight in the village below. The village did not appear to be on fire for there was no more smoke than the normal outside fires produced, but she thought she could…no she absolutely could hear the clash of swords and the shouts of men. She moved the horse to another vantage point and one look at the shore told her everything she needed to know.

  “The Viking dogs are back,” she breathed. Three deserted Viking ships were run aground on the shore. “Now what do I do?” She raised her eyes to the peaceful blue sky and said a silent prayer. The answer to her prayer, she was to discover, would soon be running up the hill toward her.


  “Run,” his father shouted again. Stefan was so terrified of being shot in the back, he need not be told to run. It was a terror that would not leave him all the days of his life. Moments before, as they ran down the sandy beach from the ship, a barrage of arrows began whizzing past them from behind. He felt Donar grab his arm a second time, pull him over the rocks toward the trees at the bottom of a hill and then shove him ahead. Running as fast as he could, he darted through the trees, found a path and kept running uphill until he realized he could no longer hear his father behind him. He quickly glanced back, spotted Donar on the ground and stopped.

  He could hear the Scots shouting and growing closer, but he ignored them. His father lay on his side with one arm outstretched as if reaching for his son and Donar wasn’t moving. Stefan hurried back, knelt down, put his hand on his father’s shoulder and then noticed the arrow sticking out of the middle of his father’s back. Blood covered most of Donar’s backside and was still trickling out of the jagged wound. “Nay, father,” he whispered, but when he looked, the life was already gone from Donar’s eyes.